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mechanical packings rami Mulia Jaya Packing Terlengkap

Info Produk MECHANICAL PACKINGS Engineered solutions for every industry. from FDA-approved pump packings to severe chemical service packings, we provide the most advanced technology available. Sepco master distributor, other major brands represented. Temperatures: Extreme high ( up to 1, 000 degrees f, plus) Pressures: Extreme high-pressure valve-stem packings; Braided packing for extremely high-speed shafts Sizes: Cross-sections from 1/ 8 inch square to 2 inches square Chemical Compatibilities: pH range from 0 to 14 ( full chemical range) Suatu kebanggan apabila kami dapat menjadi bagian dari perkembangan usaha dan bisnis anda dengan berbagai produk dan layanan dari kami. Kepuasan pelanggan adalah prioritas utama kami. UNTUK PEMESANAN / INFO HUBUNGI : MULIA JAYA PACKING Arapik HP : 0857 8261 4337 HP : 0812 1280 1185 HP : 0812 1051 0423 Head Office : Pertokoan Glodok Jaya Lt. II Blok D – 12 Jakarta Email : [email protected] Tlpon: 021-6299207 Fax: 021-6299207 Pin BB: 5A2F8B2F WhatsApp: 085782614337

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